Would you like to publish your manga in a web manga magazine that is scheduled to be published mainly in India and Japan?

Our company is currently planning to launch a new WEB COMIC business with the following concept.
・This manga will be aimed at middle school and high school age students, and parents can let them read it with relieve.
・but due to Japanese people interest in Indian culture more recentely, we plan to  release it to Japan as well.


Application Requirements

・Those who have never publish your comic with any publisher
・Over 20 years old
・People who are interested in drawing interesting comics.
・It is no issue to work in different industries at the same time with doing comic artist with us.

・Even if you can’t draw stories but can draw illustrations for comics, please apply.
・Even if you can’t draw illustrations for comics but you can draw interesting stories, please apply.


What kinds of story do we need

Any kinds of stories are acceptable. Even We also welcome essays that depict your experiences in a comic.
Of course, we are also looking for fantasy manga, battle manga, comedy manga, etc, which are created by you.



If you can draw illustrations but don’t know how to draw manga, or if you have concerns about the structure of your manga, please contact us.


Benefits and Conditions

・Approximate monthly income will be Rs.20,000/-  to Rs.25,000/- 
 (Rs.500/- to Rs.800/- per comic manuscript, 25 to 40 manuscripts per month) Negotiable.
・No set working hours if you meet deadlines.


If you want to apply, Please send your e-mail to this address.
